Mystery of Belief

Daniel Arikawe
3 min readNov 9, 2020

“Her lawyers must be Muslim by faith. This is predicated by the fact that it is only a Muslim lawyer that can understand the proceedings of shariah court”. This is one of the conditions stated to Rahama Sadau over allegations that her clothing sparked “Blasphemous comments”….. okay.

This is happening in a country with a supposed superseding constitution, that appears to be devoid of religious beliefs/bias. Hmm

A very deep and thoughtful conversation with Serikiayodele stirred me into writing this article.

The world we live in seems to be plagued by staunch objectivism, which appears to have hoaxed people into believing that life has been streamlined into a certain model or orientation.

I have attributed this mindset to two major factors; religion and upbringing.


Religion, in my opinion, has climaxed to the worst form of extremism ( when spiralled out of control ). Many actions/ inactions that have resulted in catastrophe can be directly or indirectly attributed to religious beliefs.

Growing up as a christian, many beliefs were instilled into me as objectives. Some of which I have been able to challenge and curtail as I grew older.

How we are supposed to live our lives as been affected by all forms of doctrines and writings. The interpretation of the Bible ( and other holy books) seem to have created a fundamental flaw in the way people go about their lives. This holy books, I believe, are supposed to act as a form of direction or guide even after we’ve made “mistakes” but their interpretations seem to restrict our livelihood.

I feel every human being should have an equal chance at life. How we go about life should give us a sense of individuality.

Being involved (or not) in a religion doesn’t give you the right to forcefully instil your belief on others because you believe “you’ve the supreme religion or your religion is well above the others”. You shouldn’t go about threatening people with a torturous afterlife for not participating in your religion. Your doctrines and beliefs are a part of your individuality and it should stay that way. Every human being is entitled to their own life choices.

THE G FACTOR (POV as a Christian)

Recent events have had people question the existence and silence of God. As human beings, we are very much impacted by what we see, feel and hear, and when all of that is not forthcoming, we begin to question the authenticity of such thing.

Trying times, such as these ones, always lead people to questioning the presence of God and understandably so. We need answers as much as we need a response but it always seems not forthcoming.

Firstly, we should understand that the essence of our life is choice. God doesn’t come from heaven to influence that, he gave us choice as our free will and for us to make our own decisions. He wouldn’t objectively affect our lives because that would damage/disrupt the whole essence of free will. He wouldn’t come down from heaven to directly instil changes that we crave for because it’d breeds a sense of objectivity about him.


The individual that raises you, would have a very strong hold/effect on how you life would eventually turn out to be. Theses beliefs can be passed consciously or unconsciously as children and human beings in general are greatly affected by what they see.

Breaking out of a mindset is a gargantuan struggle but it isn’t insurmountable.

Issues that arise from objective upbringing usually lead to social vices. Some of which are but not limited to; racism, homophobia, patriarchy, misogyny and transphobia.

The mindset is already laid out for a 12 year old boy who never participates in house chores or kitchen duties, while his younger sister does. This sets him up directly/indirectly for patriarchy which could further evolve into misogyny.

The cycle has to be broken, a certain disconnect has to be exerted to ensure that this recurring plague is weeded out. Cheers

